Profiles living persons in the physical and biological fields, as well as public health scientists, engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists.
Provides information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.
(Also: Ready Ref QD65.H3; older editions in general collection)
Provides essential data for chemists, physicists, and related professionals such as definitions of scientific terms and tabulated data on the physical and chemical properties of 1,800 organic and inorganic substances.
(Fieser and Fieser's) Reagents for Organic Synthesis (QD262.F5)
(Also: some volumes available in electronic format - check library catalog for access)
A collection of engineering ebooks from the 1960s to present. Includes titles in aerospace & radar technology, chemistry & chemical engineering, metals & metallurgy, optics & phtonics, and more.
Provides access to the most comprehensive engineering reference content sourced from the leading societies, publishers and authors. Provides interactive tools that normalize information across content sources and bring content to life by making tables, charts, equations, plotters and graphs interactive.
Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (Ref QD65.L36 2005)
Merck Index: an Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals (Ref RS51.M4)